# hapMC Example **Analysis example** The hapMC example allows a user to test simulated multi-marker data. _View_, _Source_ or click on _Page_, _View Source_ to view the file. Files required : [hapmc\_asp.dat](hapmc_asp.dat) - Linkage pre-makeped pedigree file with a header line [hapmc\_asp.rgen](hapmc_asp.rgen) - .rgen Parameter File Output files : [hapmc\_asp.report](hapmc_asp.report) To run this analysis: _java -jar hapmc.jar hapMC hapmc\_asp.rgen_ **GenotypeData.dat** The example [Genotype Data file](pedigreeDesc.html) is composed of 500 affected sib-pairs. Each individual has full genotype data for 10 markers. ****Output pedigree phase configurations to file**** HapMC example for writing pedigree configurations to file. Files required : [asp.example.dat](asp.example.dat) - Linkage pre-makeped pedigree file with a header line [asp.example.rgen](asp.example.rgen) - .rgen Parameter File Output files : [ped\_configs.log](ped_configs.log) To run this analysis: _java -jar hapmc.jar hapMC asp.example.rgen_ [Home](index.html)   [hapMC](hapMCDetail.html)