PedGenie ExamplesΒΆ

Single Locus Example

This example analyses each marker as a single locus.

Single Locus GeneCountAllele Example

Similar to the Single Locus Example, but the allele frequency estimation method GeneCounter from the GeneCountAlleles program is used.

Composite Genotype Example

This example examines the joint inheritance of two or more markers, without considering phase of the data.

Haplotype Example

This example examines the joint inheritance of two or more markers, using phased data.

Meta / CMH Analysis Example

Example of Meta / CMH test statistics for multiple studies.

QTDT Interface Example

This is a PedGenie - QTDT Interface example.

Weighted Index Example

This example is similar to the Single Locus Example, but the founders are assigned with unique alleles, and gene-drop to the rest of the pedigree for use in the weighting algorithm.

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