Weighted Index Example

This example is similar to the Single Locus Example, but all the founders are assigned with an unique alleles, and gene-drop to the rest of the pedigrees for use in the weighting algorithm. If you have problems opening a file, at the error page try using toolbar View, Source or click on Page, View Source to view the file.

Required Files :

WeightedIndex.dat - Linkage pre-makeped pedigree file with a header lineWeightedIndex.rgen - .rgen Parameter File

Output file :


To run this analysis:

java -jar Genie.jar PedGenie WeightedIndex.rgen

WeightedIndex.datThe example WeightedIndex.dat is composed of 224 pedigrees 3 generation families of 4929 individuals with 1 marker information.

WeightedIndex.rgenThe parameter is similar to the SingleLocus.rgen file except the simulation method top=”IndivWtTopSim” replaces the top=”AlleleFreqTopSim” method. Please see notes on SingleLocus.rgen for other details.

WeightedIndex.report output file

This report file is similar to the SingleLocus.report, we refer users to the SingleLocus.report output for detailed information regarding the SingleGeneCount.report output file.

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