hapMC ExampleΒΆ

Analysis example

The hapMC example allows a user to test simulated multi-marker data. View, Source or click on Page, View Source to view the file.

Files required :

hapmc_asp.dat - Linkage pre-makeped pedigree file with a header linehapmc_asp.rgen - .rgen Parameter File

Output files :


To run this analysis:

java -jar hapmc.jar hapMC hapmc_asp.rgen

GenotypeData.datThe example Genotype Data file is composed of 500 affected sib-pairs. Each individual has full genotype data for 10 markers.

Output pedigree phase configurations to file

HapMC example for writing pedigree configurations to file.

Files required :

asp.example.dat - Linkage pre-makeped pedigree file with a header lineasp.example.rgen - .rgen Parameter File

Output files :


To run this analysis:

java -jar hapmc.jar hapMC asp.example.rgen

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